Green Mountain Nurse

By Ethel Hamill

‘I’m perfectly willing to marry you first,’ he said, and took her in his arms. And his mouth, hard and virile and questing, closed over hers.”

Vermont was covered with snow the day Dean Mathias and the tiny girl in a red snowsuit took refuge in the old barn on the estate that Gail Ingersoll had inherited from her aunt. There was some mystery about the pair, Gail was sure—Dean, with his sultry good looks and a pantherlike grace earned from years on a California surfboard, wasn’t the kind of man to leave the warmth of the West Coast on a whim. Something that had brought them to the Green Mountains of Vermont, and she had to discover the secret before Dean carried out his threat to leave and take Clancy with him. It would break her heart to lose Clancy—but would she be sorry to see Dean go too, as much as she protested otherwise?

Susannah Clark