Enter Nurse Marian

By Jeanne Judson

Diagnosis: Loneliness
Prescription: Love
It would be easy for Nurse Marian Rutledge to heal the people of the small town she had returned to. Alberta Thwaits, secretary to Dr. Thomas Labadie, is a beautiful young woman in love with her boss, but he’s more impressed by the files she keeps so efficiently than he is interested in her as a woman. Olive Cressett is a timid, sensitive girl oppressed by her overbearing mother, a neurotic whom Marian is sent to “nurse.” And Marian’s brother, Dr. Clive Rutledge, has been too busy establishing his practice to remedy the emptiness left by the death of his wife years ago. Always ready to help, Marian gathers these lonely hearts to organize an auction benefitting the town’s new hospital, hoping to find happy endings for all—but will the hard-working, unselfish Nurse Marian find solace for her own lonely heart?

“Story of a young nurse and her design for living makes delightful reading.” The Evening Sun, August 1956

Susannah Clark